
Easily publish uncensorable essays

Code | @stavros | @stelabouras

Your essay link

Here's the permanent, immutable IPFS link to your essay:

You can also tell people to access it through a gateway, such as one of:

NOTE: This essay will only be available on IPFS for as long as someone has it on their computer. We have just made a request in the background to cache your essay for a bit on multiple servics, but you're probably the only person in the world who is sharing this. You should send it to a few more people (and maybe ask them to "pin" it) just to make distribution more resilient.

You can pin your essay like so:

Alternatively, you can use services like Eternum to "pin" your essay (i.e. pay the service to "host" it for you). This costs something like a cent a year for something as small as an essay:
